Minggu, 22 Mei 2016

Things I don't like

Things I Don’t Like
Sometimes people ask me about what things you don’t like in your life. Now I will share about things I don’t like. First I don’t like people who  selfish, don’t be responsible, and rely on other people. Because that’s typical people which make trouble for other people. Second, I don’t like  food  which contains shrimp inside, because when I eat it, my body feel like irritation. Third, I don’t like many task in my daily, because from my experience daily, I know if my body can not work very hard. Maybe once I can, but I need much time to get my body fresh again. A lot of little things that I don’t like but in every case I try to understand and think positive that all things happen in my life it’s a process from God to make me mature in this life. That’s some things I don’t like.

--- Thank You ---
God Bless You

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