Minggu, 20 Desember 2015

Sharing Devotion 3

Sharing Devotion
Consider the way you heard. That’s what Jesus say. Somestimes what we heard must be filtered, weighed, and researched. We know the different where to put the coma, that’s make different mean. Different one letters alone , that’s make different mean too. Lost or added to it, the mean doesn’t same. Especially, if that news is cropped, edited, or whatever it , all be different mean.
Moreover, it can lead to manipulation or slander. If we not develop our intelligence and maturity to heard, our reaction will be wrong. And it’s edges became so long. Because in Indonesian ”Panci” similar to “Banci” in writing.... But that’s very different meaning... So, consider the way you heard. Amin.

---- Thanks for Read ----

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