Minggu, 20 Desember 2015

Sharing Devotion 3

Sharing Devotion
Consider the way you heard. That’s what Jesus say. Somestimes what we heard must be filtered, weighed, and researched. We know the different where to put the coma, that’s make different mean. Different one letters alone , that’s make different mean too. Lost or added to it, the mean doesn’t same. Especially, if that news is cropped, edited, or whatever it , all be different mean.
Moreover, it can lead to manipulation or slander. If we not develop our intelligence and maturity to heard, our reaction will be wrong. And it’s edges became so long. Because in Indonesian ”Panci” similar to “Banci” in writing.... But that’s very different meaning... So, consider the way you heard. Amin.

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Minggu, 13 Desember 2015

Sharing Devotion 2

Sharing Devotion

In a church, there was a shipping missionary to poor countries. The Pastor ask to his congregation to sow anything, for support in the financial. The mother of a simple in financial ,she give her last money that day.
One day, several years later, this mother was sick and get coma, at that time, her spirit were taken to the Firdaus. After this mother arrive at there, she was confused because people accost her and said, “Thank you.... Thank you.” In her confusion, she asked,” Why do you say thank you to me?” And they said, “Mother, you was support the missionary who come to our country. And this we are people who saved because that missionary... We give thanks because it’s make us here right now. “ Then with a bent they said again,” Thank you....” Suddenly this mother wake up from his coma and be rejoice. Please, never tired to serve God. Amin ?  

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Minggu, 06 Desember 2015

Sharing Devotion 1

Sharing Devotion

                Once upon a time there is a session of the Apostles in Jerusalem. And they announce the result by saying : “ Is a decision between Holy Spirit and us”.
          Try to understand, we and Holy Spirit in harmony. Surely that will make result which have the great impact. And it’s what God mean with bring us to sit ruled together with God.
          In the world now, learn to continue to active  with the Holy Spirit. We will be a great horrifying soulmate. The world wait for our great decisions that will take The Glory of Jesus Christ who we love. Haleluya  !

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