Minggu, 12 Juni 2016

Sharing Devotion

  5 + 5 = 11
          Humanly, we always want to above the average from others. A lot of things that have been entrusted by God to our lives, our ministry, and is our daily lives with each work that we have. Have we develop all potential in our lives? Or we just make barren potential that we have because of our bustle.
Let us develop all potential that we have with FOCUS  to the interests of God, so that we can get  MORE  from God as REWARD. The five talents developed into ten talents. But if God like to see the results of our efforts, the talent will He give for you...
Matthew 25 : 28 “Take away therefore the talent from him, and give it to him who has the ten talents.”
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Minggu, 05 Juni 2016

Inspiring Person



Hello all, today I will share about my inspiring person who make change in my life. A few years ago, so much bad characters that I have. The characters is lazy, delay temporize jobs, shy, difficult to persuade people,   and afraid to talk to others. But since I entered high school, I have a friends who can insipring me from what his attitude and behavior. His name is Alfin, he has “kolerik” character where he can lead the other people well and good at self-regulating. He is the person who finish his assigment earlier than others. And in high school he’s smart person who get achievement. He is the person who never give up with everything  before he attempt it.
The first I see him, I don’t care about his good character and attitute that he has. But after I entered to grade 2. I realize that the characters and attitude from my friend, Alfin, it’s also important to me. After that day by day I decide to learn and imitate the Alfin’s good character and attitude. Now,  I always  apply in my life what I had learned from him, include done all my assigment earlier. That’s my inspiring person who can change my life to person who have good character and attitude.

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